

Full Name Thoyib Hidayat
Jl Parangtritis KM 20, Yogyakkarta 55 771
Contact Thoyib.thoyib.hidayat @ Or you can also directly write a comment on this blog.
Job When writing this profile, still a "STUDENT" Class IV at the Department of Industrial Electronics In SMK N 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta, Or that you may be more familiar with the name of the STM Development in Yogyakarta. And is in the process of "Job Hunting"
Religion Alhamdulillah Islam, Birth Inner And may God always self Keeping this in order to keep the Islamic faith, and not deviate from His path. Amiiin.
Hobby Hanging front of computer (not hanging out the side of the road)>> Watch the movie:: Doing Music ria:: Learning:: Graphic design:: Read Novel Outbound, so the "lang". important to enjoy nature. Going Green, Save Our nature! Kompul Boy>> Makan2:: there Ngbrol here:: Ngakak2:: Jalan2 Dropping the arguments of others, the language of a trivial "Ngeyel"

Ideals - ideals, hopes, and Benediction Just wanted to be able to live a well-established and independent. Can be useful for others. The couple lived a happy life together is as expected and desirable. Have children and grandchildren who pinter2, obedient, useful for homeland nation and always pray for the elderly. And when the time comes, I hope and pray that God would make my life Khusnul Khotimah, End of good, Happy endings, Leave a good name, Leaving the seed  of Kindness to be picked the next generation, do not leave damage on the earth. Amiiin ...

That's Enough, that's a bit of info about myself. Thank you once already tried to find out more about me.