
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Borobudur Temple

The history of Borobudur Temple
Borobudur was built around 800 AD or the 9th century. Borobudurwas built by the followers of Mahayana Buddhism during the reign of Dynasty  Syailendra. This temple was built in the heyday dynasty Syailendra . The founder of the Borobudur Temple, King Samaratungga originating from or dynasty Syailendra. The possibility of this temple was built around the year 824 AD and was completedaround the year 900 AD during the reign of QueenPramudawardhani who is the daughter of Samaratungga. While thearchitects who contributed to build this temple according to storiespassed down through generations named Gunadharma.

Borobudur own words based on the first written evidence that was written by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Governor General of the United Kingdom in Java, which gives the name of this temple.There is no written evidence that older who gave the name of this temple of Borobudur. Only one of the oldest document showing the existence of this temple is Nagarakretagama book, written by the MPU Prapanca in the year 1365. In the book was written that this temple was used as a place of Buddhist meditation.
Meaning of the name Borobudur "abbey in the hills", which comes from the word "coal" (temple or monastery) and "beduhur" (hills or high ground) in Sansekerta leanguage. Therefore, in accordance with the meaning of the name Borobudur, then this place since long ago used as a place of Buddhist worship.
This temple for centuries no longer used. 
Then, because of volcanic eruptions, most of the buildings covered Borobudur volcanic soil. In addition, the building is also covered with various trees and shrubs for centuries. Then the building of this temple began forgotten in the time Islam arrived in Indonesia around the 15th century.
In 1814 when the British occupied Indonesia, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles heard of the discovery of huge archaeological objects in the village of Magelang district Bumisegoro. Due to great interest of the history of Java, then immediately ordered Raffles HCCornelius, a Dutch engineer, to investigate the discovery of the location was a hill covered with shrubs.
Cornelius assisted by about 200 men cut down trees and remove shrubs that covered the giant building. Because the building is already fragile and could collapse, then report to the Raffles Cornelius invention includes several images. Since the discovery, Raffles was awarded as the man who started restoration of Borobudur temple and got the attention of the world. In 1835, the entire area of the temple has been unearthed. The temple is kept restored in the Dutch colonial period.
After Indonesian independence, in 1956, the Indonesian government requested the assistance of UNESCO to examine the damage to Borobudur. Then in 1963, out of the official Indonesian government's decision to conduct the restoration of Borobudur temple with the help of UNESCO. However, this restoration was only really started to be done on August 10, 1973. Process new refurbishment completed in 1984. Since 1991, Borobudur designated as World Heritage or World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Borobudur temple is located in Magelang, Central Java, about 40 km from Yogyakarta. Borobudur has 10 levels consisting of 6 levels of a square, circular level 3 circular and a main stupa as a peak. At every level there are several stupas. Altogether there are 72 stupas in addition to the main stupa. In every stupa there are statues of Buddha. Ten levels of Buddhist philosophy which describes the ten levels of Bodhisattva who must pass to reach the perfection of the Buddha in nirvana. This perfection symbolized by the main stupa at the top level. Borobudur structure when viewed from above form a mandala structure depicting Buddhist cosmology and human thinking.
On the fourth side of the temple there is the gate and stairs to the level above it like a pyramid. 
This illustrates the Buddhist philosophy that all life came from rocks. Stone later became the sand, then into plants, then into the insect, then become wild animals and pets, and the last to be human. This process is known as reincarnation. The last process is to be the soul and eventually into nirvana. Each stage of enlightenment in this life processes based on Buddhist philosophy is illustrated in reliefs and statues in the whole temple of Borobudur.
This huge building just a giant pile of stone blocks which have a total height of 42 meters. 
Each stone connected without the use of cement or adhesive. These stones are only connected by patterns and stacked. The base of Borobudur temple is about 118 m on each side. The stones which used approximately 55,000 cubic meters. All the stones are taken from the river around the Borobudur Temple. The stones are cut and then transported and connected with a pattern like lego game. All without using glue or cement.
Meanwhile, relief began to be made after the completion rocks stacked and connected. Reliefs found on the temple walls.Borobudur has different relief 2670. Relief is read clockwise. This relief illustrates a story that I read it starts and ends at the gate to the east. This shows that the main gate of Borobudur temple facing the east like most other Buddhist temples.

Vesak celebration at Borobudur
Every year on the full moon in May (or June in leap years), Buddhists in Indonesia celebrate Vesak at the Borobudur Temple.Vesak is celebrated as the day of birth, death and the moment when Siddhartha Gautama obtain the highest wisdom to become the Buddha Shakyamuni. The third event is called Vesak Trisuci.Vesak ceremony focused on the three Buddhist temples by walking from the Mendut Pawon and ends at Borobudur.
On the eve of Vesak, particularly during peak moment of full moon, Buddhists gathered around Borobudur. 
At that time, Borobudur is believed to be the gathering place of supernatural powers.According to belief, during Vesak, the Buddha will appear visible on top of a mountain in the south.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Kaliurang ; Green earth beneath the volcano

Situated on the slopes of Mount Merapi, Kaliurang or that in the Indonesian language means "Kali Shrimp", is an open landscape as a place peristirahatan.Tempat this tour from time immemorial have been known as a resting place for the Dutch in colonial times.Kaliurang outdoors, you can see the sights of the city of Yogyakarta from view post was there to pay for tickets that have been determined. For those of you who like adventure, Ground provides a place for camping or pathways that can be passed to tracking up the mountain. On New Year's Eve, sometimes also held the fireworks and entertainment platforms. 
Various villas and other resort available in this area. Located about 24 kilometers north of Yogyakarta city, Kaliurang can be penatnya refuge from city life. In Kaliurang also there are many food places with varied prices. 
In the historic buildings there Kaliurang Wisma Ground. 
There have occurred a special negotiations between Indonesia and the Three Nation Commission on 13 January 1948. Then it gave birth to the minutes of negotiations Kaliurang Ground. 


Tips and Tricks: 

Wear a jacket or heavy clothing because temperatures are very cold air at the Ground. 
Do not forget to buy snacks typical Kaliurang, which is misbegotten. 
Jadah is food made of glutinous rice. Tempe and tofu is a food supplement bacem misbegotten


Sekaten From Yogyakarta

In the region of Yogyakarta Municipality, there is a traditional ceremony known as Sekaten or better known as the Night Market Celebration Sekaten Sekaten because prior to the ceremony held the night market activity in advance for one full month. Tradition existing since the time of the Demak Kingdom (16th century) is held once a year in Maulud, the third month in a year of Java, with a shot in the courtyard or Palace Square North Ngayogyakarta. 
The origin of the term Sekaten developed in several versions.Some argue that originated from the word Sekaten Sekati, which is the name of two heirloom device called the Palace of gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Sekati who sounded the warning in a series of events Maulud Prophet Muhammad. Another opinion says that Sekaten derived from the word love and ati (like hearts, happy) because people are welcome Maulud day with feelings of gratitude and happiness in the celebration of the night market in North Square.

Another opinion says that the word comes from the word Sekaten syahadataini, two sentences in the Islamic Creed, the creed taukhid (ASYHADU alla ila-ha-ilallah) which means "I testify that there is no God but Allah" and the Apostles Creed (Waasyhadu anna Muhammadarrosululloh) meaning "I testify that Muhammad Messenger of Allah".

Ceremony Sekaten considered a blend of Islamic preaching and art activities. At the start of the spread of Islam in Java, one of Wali Songo, Sunan Kalijaga namely, to use art gamelan (Javanese gamelan) to entice the public to come to enjoy performances of his musicians by using two sets of gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Sekati. In between performances, done preaching and reading the holy verses of the Qur'an. For those who are determined to embrace Islam, are required to pronounce sentence Creed, a statement obedient to the teachings of Islam.

Among the people of Yogyakarta and its surroundings, emerging belief that by celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, the concerned will get a reward from the Supreme Court, and was awarded the young. As a requirement, they must be chewed betel on the page the Great Mosque in Yogyakarta, especially on the first day Sekaten commencement celebration. Therefore, during the celebration, many people selling betel nut with a potion, savory rice and side-pauknya in Kemandungan page, in North Square or in front of the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta. For the farmers, on this occasion also pleaded for the coming crops successfully. To strengthen this determination, they buy a whip to take home. 

Before the ceremony Sekaten held, held two kinds of preparations, namely physical and spiritual preparation. Physical preparation of equipment and supplies Sekaten ceremony, the Gamelan Sekaten, gendhing Sekaten, some coin, some flowers kanthil, Sekaten uniform fashion, samir for musicians, and other supplies, as well as history texts Maulud Prophet Muhammad.

Gamelan Sekaten is Kraton heirloom called Kyai Kanjeng Sekati in two dynamic, namely Kanjeng Nogowilogo Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Kanjeng. Gamelan Sekaten Sunan Giri was made by an expert in the art musicians and touted as a gamelan with pelog barrel which was first made. Pemukulnya tool made from ox horn or buffalo horn and to be able to produce sounds loud and clear punch, bat should be lifted as high as the forehead before dipuk in each gamelan.

While gendhing gendhing Sekaten is a series of songs that are used, namely Signs pathet five, Rangkung pathet five, Lunggadhung pelog pathet five, Set-set pathet nem, Andong pathet five-carriage, Rendheng pathet five, Jaumi pathet five, Gliyung pathet nem, Salatun pathet nem, Dhindhang Sabinah pathet em, white Muru, Latter-aring pathet nem, Ngajatun pathet nem, nem pathet Batem Tour, Supiatun pathet goods, and burnt Srundeng pelog pathet goods.

For spiritual preparation, done some time before Sekaten. The sultan's palace courtiers who will be involved in the solemnization of mental and spiritual preparation for developing such a sacred task. Moreover, the servants in charge of hitting gamelan Sekaten, they purify themselves by fasting and flush jamas.

Sekaten beginning on December 6 Maulud (Rabiulawal) during the afternoon by removing the gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Sekati from where persemayamannya, Kyai Kanjeng Nogowilogo placed in Ward Trajumas and Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu in Ward Srimanganti. Two courtiers forces soldiers who guarded heirloom gamelan, namely Mantrijero soldiers and soldiers Ketanggung. On page Kemandungan or Keben, many people selling wuduk kinang and rice.

Remove the Isha prayer time, the servants who served in the ward, provide reports to the Sultan that the ceremony had begun. After an order from the Sultan through courtiers who are sent, then began the ceremony by sounding Sekaten gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Sekati.
The first rung is Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu with gendhing concoction pathet Gangsal, dhawah gendhing Signs. Following that sounded Gamelan Kyai Kanjeng Nogowilogo with gendhing concoction pathet Gangsal, dhawah gendhing Signs. That sounded alternately between Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Kanjeng Nogowilogo. In the midst gendhing, the Sultan came over and made gendhing gently until the Sultan left the two wards.Earlier Sri Sultan (or vice Sri Sultan) sow-udhik udhik in front of the gate Danapertapa, Srimanganti wards, and wards Trajumas.

Promptly at 24.00 pm, gamelan Sekaten moved to the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta page escorted by two army soldiers Mantrijero courtiers and Ketanggung. Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu pagongan placed in the south of the Great Mosque gapuran page and Kanjeng Kyai pagongan Nogowilogo in the north. In the courtyard, the gamelan Sekaten rung continuously day and night for six consecutive days, except on Friday nights to finish the afternoon Friday prayers.

On 11 Maulud (Rabiulawal), starting at 20:00 pm, the Sultan came to the Grand Mosque to attend the ceremony Maulud Prophet Muhammad in the form of the reading of the manuscript history of Maulud Prophet which was read by Kyai Pengulu. The ceremony was completed at 24.00 pm, and after all is finished, the gamelan Sekaten brought back from the Great Mosque of page go to the Palace. This transfer is a sign that Sekaten ceremony has ended.


Make PCB

Practical Ways to Make PCB 

For those which often makes the PCB, this article may be useful for you. This time I will try to give an explanation about how to make PCBs with ease and get satisfactory results.To create a PCB that is not too complicated, maybe we can use a permanent marker. But what if the PCB that we will create a series that is so complicated, for example to make the PCB for the circuit microcontroller, of course if you use markers result will not be satisfactory, even the progress too hard. 

Therefore this time I will give explanations about the making of a practical PCB: 

Prepare drawing. Figure PCB we use do not use markers, we create an image of the PCB by using computer software. I personally, usually using Diptrace, Proteus, or Protel. 

Print the picture. If the picture is complete PCB we make, then terebut images printed on glossy paper. Then the printers that are used should also use a laser printer. If the trouble to find a printer Laser, we can print on regular printer, and then we print a copy of course results to the glossy paper. Do any of choosing a copy, try to use the photocopy machine that has excellent quality. 

Glossy paper problem, we can also use paper alternative calendar. Paper glossy calendar of course, on the contrary it is still blank. Now that space that we can use to print the PCB image.Glossy paper is used, the better thinner. Therefore, I usually
exfoliate  glossy paper lining into 2 parts, so glossy paper containing the images had become very thin PCBs. 

Prepare the PCB. PCB board that we want to use must be clean.Wash the PCB board with soap, then dried, do not there is oil on the PCB board that we want to create.
Iron. Well ... here's the most important, why did I say the most important? Because this process is a reflection of hasli end PCB.Jka setrka already hot, attach pictures kta PCBs that have been printed on glossy paper on top of PCB board. After making sure his position is right, fold and tape the paper to avoid shifting. After that we flat iron, do not get passed one jalurpun. If pressed too long, the line will fade so that the path is broken. But if it is not long enough then path also can not stick. Iron with average 3-5 minutes. 

Once ironed, soak the PCB board into the water. Dipping time depends on the thickness of thin paper. Advice from my use of paper as thin as possible, because more and more good muydah results. After soaking, peel bit by bit of paper attached to the PCB board. Clean iia2 paper attached to the track with a brush. Clean thoroughly.
Thorough track. After the paper was clean benar2, check the track.If there is a path-breaking, fix it with markers. Bold lines also vulnerable. 

After making sure the track already right, stay straight dilarut with fericlorid. In the dissolution, keep the solution clean from  impurities such as gravel or something else, because dirt can damage the path completion ...
Once completed dilarut, clean with gasoline or thinner. Then be lathered up to clean ...

Well done, the process is easy with satisfactory results. What, still want to make manual PCB use markers? I Suggest you, just leave it ... ..
Good work ...

AT&T USB Modem Setting

For those who have a modem AT & T, sometimes often complicated by difficult setting modem. The main problem is difficult because the modem on the switching from software installation mode to modem mode. 
Here is the way : 

First install the first watcher generic software. This software is on CD which include when buying a modem AT & T. 

Connect the modem on USB. Continue to install the drivers as well as AT & T communication manager. 

Well now your modem is in software installation mode. To be able to use it to access the internet, you have to switch from software installation mode to modem mode. 

For the switch of the software installation mode to modem mode, open the start menu then all programs, locate and select Sierra Wireless TRU-Intall. 

After click the TRU-Install, will be out Notification "Device is in software installation mode. Would you like to switch the device into the modem mode? "Click ok. 

But if not successful. Modem did not want to switch from mode to modem software installation mode. How is the solution? The solution is to restart your computer. 

After the computer restarted, try to re-open the TRU-Install, When the devices already on the modem mode means the modem can already switched, if not, then restart your computer again. 

Next, we set the connection, we can choose to use the AirCard Watcher or AT & T communication manager. I choose AirCard Watcher.
Open the AirCard Watcher. Click option
Click profile 

Profile is usually already out according to the card is used, the example I use a card axis, but if not there create a new profile by clicking the new profile. 

After the profile axis is clicked, the option will exit the general axis, here we can fill the profile name, username, password, apn, etc.. 

If already, we make sure that the default profile is the axis that sorted, I click the profile, then the default profile select axis.

Click ok. We're back again in the AirCard Watcher, just click the connect ... and an internet connection is ready for use. 

Open mozilla firefox or something else is up to you, and enjoy your surfing..

Good luck ... ...